Profile Picturekenzor

3dsmax Copy Paste Keys

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3dsmax Copy Paste Keys

7 ratings


What is it?

Copy and Paste keyframes in the track view with shortcuts.

There are 5 commands which can be assigned to keyboard shortcuts or to buttons on a tool bar. You can add custom toolbars main menu or to the trackview if you wish

With a trackview open in max you may

- Copy keys to Clipboard

- Paste insert keys at the current frame

- Paste overwrite keys at the current frame

- Insert or Delete Time on selected tracks at the current frame

- Open copy paste dialog

Once keys have been copied from the track view you can paste them to the current frame ( it doesn’t matter if the track view is open at this point ). The keys get pasted to the same tracks they were copied from and retain their in out curve types.


A trackview must be open to run the tool. Keys are copied from the currently selected trackview.

Does NOT work on BIPED rigs,

Does NOT work on CAT rigs

BIPED and CAT use different APIs to the rest of MAX. So it would be a complete rewrite to make this work with those rigs


Just download the .mzp file. Then drag and drop onto the max viewport to install the script. Once installed you'll just need to enable the shortcuts using the 'Customize User interface' Dialog in Max 


Read more here


  • Yes, you can use the scripts in a commercial production or in personal use . 
  • You can freely use the scripts in the creation of any 3d assets in any production.
  • You can create derivative works. e.g. examine the code, and modify it for your own purposes.
  • I retain all rights as the creator of the orignal code, meaning you can't claim ownership of my orignal code, and I am free to distribute it in any way I chose without restriction.
  • I have limited free time to maintain this code it. It is supplied 'as is' with no guarantee. I recomend testing it before use in a CG pipeline. If stuff breaks I can't be held responsible. 
  • I use all this code in my own commercial CG pipeline so everything has been tested. If you find a bug email me the details, I can't guarantee a fix is possible, but I'll have a look if i have some free time.
  • If you need modifications to these maxscripts or new tools for your 3ds Max pipeline please get in touch.
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To install just drag and drop this .mzp file onto the max viewport.

20.7 KB
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