Profile Picturekenzor

Kenzors 3dsmax script pack

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Kenzors 3dsmax script pack

40 ratings

I've been developing maxscript for over 10 years, and it's great to give something back to the community.

Just drag and drop into the 3dsmax viewport to install. For further instructions see my website or youtube

Please subscribe to my mailing list to be informed of updates. I'm aiming to keep emails as minimal possible but I will update the scripts from time to time and I have a couple of other Max related tools which will come online later in the year. This script pack will always be free but the more feedback and social media help I get from you guys the more effort I'll put into bug fxes and new tools. So please concider subscribing to my twitter feed (@designimageinfo) and youtube channel ( )

My super useful set of 3dsmax scripts includes:-

  • Kenzors Script Navigator - make lists of scripts easy to find in a tabbed browser
  • 3dsMax ini Inspector - Load and save useful ini settings. 
  • BakeAnim - bake animation from one object to another
  • Biped Crude Key Reducer - thin motion capture keys to something you can animate
  • Biped Key All Key - all the limbs of the selected biped in one click.
  • Camera Resolution tool - Quickly set proxys and overscan for real cameras
  • Camera Track Export - Export object movement as spline animation for fusion
  • Control Shape rollout - Load and Save shapes for animation controls.
  • Kenzors Mirror Ball - fun Procedural Mirror Ball Creator
  • Previs - make cuts with cameras and time
  • Stretchy Bone 
  • Turbosmooth Helper - Toggle all turbosmooth modifiers on and off


  • Yes, you can use the scripts in a commercial production or in personal use . 
  • You can freely use the scripts in the creation of any 3d assets in any production.
  • You can create derivative works. e.g. examine the code, and modify it for your own purposes.
  • I retain all rights as the creator of the orignal code, meaning you can't claim ownership of my orignal code, and I am free to distribute it in any way I chose without restriction.
  • I have limited free time to maintain this code it. It is supplied 'as is' with no guarantee. I recomend testing it before use in a CG pipeline. If stuff breaks I can't be held responsible. 
  • I use all this code in my own commercial CG pipeline so everything has been tested. If you find a bug email me the details, I can't guarantee a fix is possible, but I'll have a look if i have some free time.
  • If you need modifications to these maxscripts or new tools for your 3ds Max pipeline please get in touch.
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